About Jana

Mind Over Mind is a place where Mind Body Bootcamps are made available- weekend & weeklong workshops in beautiful settings. There will be 2 different levels of yoga and/or tai chi practice offered every morning and a meditation practice follows the yoga/tai chi.

Yoga and tai chi prepares the mind and body for a deep meditation practice.

Other activities each day will be offering chi running, chi walking, and physical activities designed to raise awareness, mindfulness within ourselves and within our environments.

My vision is to guide people to healing pathways. This is done by exposing people to activities and practices that raise awareness for people to see what’s possible for themselves.

The bootcamps will also include experts in the field of mind body practices, lifestyles, nutrition and food experts.

The bootcamps are designed for people who are committed to overcoming obstacles in areas of health, emotional, physical and mental.

My blog will share more ideas, thoughts and tips around the areas of mindfulness, meditation and overcoming any obstacle. There will also be a mind-body bootcamps online community.